Garima Codes

Garima Singh
Written byGarima Singh
I explain with words and code.


What is Gradient Descent Algorithm and its working.

Title: What is Gradient Descent Algorithm and its working. Gradient descent is a type of machine learning algorithm that helps us in optimizing neural networks and many other algorithms. This article…

Getting started with 🧠Pytorch: Basic functions 💬

Getting started with 🧠Pytorch: Basic functions 💬 Introduction But what is Pytorch exactly? 🙄 PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library based on the Torch library, used for applications such …

Introduction to Qiskit Library

What is Qiskit Library? Qiskit is an open-source framework for working with noisy quantum…

Project: Linear regression using pytorch

Predictive modeling with deep learning It is a skill that modern developers need to know. PyTorch is the premier open-source deep learning framework developed and maintained by Facebook. At its core,…

Quick Start

Getting Started 😎 1. Create a Gatsby site. If you are not using , following Gatsby Getting Started 2. Start developing. 3. Add your content You can write… contents to blog in directory. resume dire…

Image Processing in Python 🧐

This story was reposted by Level Up Coding It has never as easy as to take a picture. All you need is a mobile phone. These are the bare essentials to shoot and to view an image. Taking a photograph …

Classifying images of everyday objects using a neural network 👻

Classifying images of everyday objects using a neural network The ability to try many different neural network architectures to address a problem is what makes deep learning really powerful, especia…

How to tap into your latent brain potential and drastically improve your memory. ✍

Every time you forget someone’s name, a dog dies… Memory is the diary we carry around with us. -Oscar Wilde LET’S START WITH ‘WHAT IS MEMORY’?✍ The term ‘memory’ is used to r…

Insurance cost prediction using linear regression. 💡

Insurance cost prediction using linear regression. In this assignment we’re going to use information like a person’s age, sex, BMI, no. of children and smoking habit to predict the price of yearly m…